AXIS, used by leading program sponsors such as NEEA and Energy Trust of Oregon, and most recently deployed for the national NGBS Green program, serves as a centralized data collection, storage, and sharing hub with integrated workflow management and messaging functionality. In addition to supporting the RESNET energy rating and NGBS Green certification processes, the modular architecture of AXIS allows for customization of functionality, visibility, and workflows to meet program-specific needs.
AXIS is a cloud-based data and workflow management platform that streamlines energy ratings and energy efficiency program participation through data sharing by connecting raters/verifiers, certification organizations, QA organizations, utilities and others using a centralized data repository and modern user interface. Contact us to learn more about AXIS.
Raters and Providers
- Manage all of your projects in a single database
- Import REM/Rate™ or Ekotrope data and populate inspection checklists
- Share rating data directly with your Provider
- Perform QA, report findings, and certify homes
Utilities and Program Sponsors
- Create custom Energy Efficiency Programs (EEPs) and define program data collection requirements and incentive levels
- Review home inspection and energy model data
- Process incentive payments
- Store program documentation
- Generate custom certificates and reports
Home Builders
- Immediate access to Rater inspection and modeling data
- Track incentive payments
- Review energy savings prior to construction
- Generate customized reports and marketing material
APEX, a residential new construction simulation and analysis solution, leverages the power of NREL's EnergyPlus and OpenStudio-ERI simulation platform to enable generation of an energy rating index (ERI) and energy consumption data that may be used for a variety of purposes including eligibility for 45L tax credits, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed security offerings, performance-based energy code compliance, sustainability/ESG reporting, and incentive calculation for utility incentive programs. APEX is a powerful and much needed solution for the residential energy efficiency industry and can be accessed through our AXIS integration or directly through an API.
Energy Raters/Modelers
- Analyze REM/Rate™ or Ekotrope energy models for inconsistencies
- Compare your simulator's results with EnergyPlus/OpenStudio-ERI results
Utilities/Program Sponsors/Implementers
- Re-simulate submissions with EnergyPlus/OpenStudio-ERI for normalized consumption calculations
- Design custom, program-specific User-Defined Reference Homes (UDRH's)
- Perform bulk EnergyPlus/OpenStudio-ERI simulations for "what-if" analysis
Home Builders
- Determine 45L and GSE MBS eligibility with DOE funded, non-proprietary simulator
- Generate simulator agnostic, normalized ESG reporting data